To Learn
My to-do list of learning.
last update: 2025-02-15
These are the things that I am interested in learning.
- Science, Privacy, and Freedom: Issues and Proposals for the 1970’s. Part I–The Current Impact of Surveillance on Privacy, Alan F. Westin Columbia Law Review, Vol. 66, No. 6 (Jun., 1966), pp. 1003-1050 (48 pages)
courses and competitions
- Build your own c compiler
- Beej’s guide to networking
- Mamba the easy way
- Build your own redis
- Distributed system from maelstorm
- Gossip glomers,
- Advanced compilers: self-guided online course (cornell)
- pintos: a simple operating system
- let’s write a browser
- write your own git
- Explained from first principles
- Programmer’s introduction to Mathematics
- How does a database work, database internals
- makefiles
- Embedded system
- Nand2Tetris
- Stanford crypto
- GDPR ✅
Blog posts
- Peter Thiel’s CS183
- interview with shang Yi Chiang, R&D head at TSMC
- how to do Distributed locking
- There’s no getting around you’re building a distributed system
- Getting real about distributed system reliability
- Coding for SSDs
- http crash course nobody asked for
- lessons from running codepen
- Everything you ever wanted to know about terminals
- Rqlite design
- Taxonomy of Moats
- Leverage Points
- All Markets Are Not Created Equal: 10 Factors To Consider When Evaluating Digital Marketplaces
- What is amazon
- Bill gates interview 1992 PDC 1992
- Adverserial collaboration - Daniel Kahneman
small books
- Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality
- Algorithms for decision making
- Linux insides
- Google SRE
- compiler books
Courses and others
Dolby Webcast