
Building an extension

My notes on building a browser extension

browser extensions have been an area of interest for a while. I tried building an extension that would help me save stuff in my readlog. Sort of simply highlight stuff from within the page.

Chrome extension Architecture.

There are Broadly a few moving pieces in an extension, manifest.json, Background script/service worker, content-script, popup.html, popup.js

extension Architecture


Manifest.json is the central part that makes sure that the extension gets registered properly.

Background script

Background script is simply just a service worker that runs in the background. Each chrome profile that has an extension has exactly one service-worker. This is shared across all tabs The debugging window for a background script can be found from the chrome://extensions/ window.


Content scripts are spawned per tab and are run for that tab, specifically. This helps in getting tab specific content and execute scripts in tabs.


This is the thing that gets displayed when the icon is clicked from the window.


Popup js is should be sent with the app bundle and loaded from popup.html and it can’t be loaded from third party site as the Content Security policy prevents it.

Messaging passing

popup.js, content-script and background script all talk with each other by passing messages with each other by using the chrome messages api.

Chrome.scripting API

this api can be used to execute arbitrary script in a tab.

stuff I found useful